Wednesday, January 02, 2008


#9 The Shins - Wincing the Night Away

It feels like this album came out a long time ago. I think I've had this longer than any other release on this list except maybe Lily Allen. When the year started I thought that nothing would be able to top this album. The fact that 8 albums have says a lot about the quality of music being released this year. The Shins continue doing what they do best. Catch pop songs that pick you up and then gently put you down when they are over. Sea Legs might be one of my favorite songs of the year. The use of bottle caps and a popping bag to make the beat for this song is genius. James Mercer's voice is amazing as usual; it was nice to hear it show up again on the Modest Mouse record. Sleeping Lessons is one of the best opening tracks I've heard in a while.

Sea Legs
Sleeping Lessons
Turn On Me

Favorite Lyrics:
“Of all the churning random hearts
Under the sun
Eventually fading into night,
These two are opening now
As we lie, I touch you
Under fuller light.
Girl, if you're a seascape
I'm a listing boat, for the thing carries every hope.
I invest in a single lie.
The choice is yours to be loved
Come away from an emptier boat.”

“Close your eyes to corral a virtue,
Is this fooling anyone else?
Never worked so long and hard,
To cement a failure”

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