Wednesday, January 02, 2008


#7 Ted Leo and the Pharmacists - Living With the Living

Ted's last release came out of nowhere and just owned me. This was one of my most anticipated releases of the year. It may not be his strongest release to date but I was not disappointed one bit. Everything I love about Ted is present on this album. The lyrics are top notch as usual, touching on social issues but doing it in a somewhat subtle way (except on bomb, repeat, bomb.). The catchy songs are there, including reggae and mod influences that Ted's known for. I would say that Ted can do no wrong but then someone would point out his first record "Te(j) Leo" and I would be proven wrong. I'm just glad Ted got that experiment out of his system early. Anyone who randomly goes into "Dayman" from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia in the middle of his live show is nothing short of amazing. Ted always kicks it up a notch live and these songs are no exception. Ted and the pharmacists are one of those bands that I try to see whenever they are in town. I suggest you do the same.

Who Do You Love?
La Costa Brava
The Unwanted Things

Favorite Lyrics:
“Everyone needs a sunday some days, everyone needs to take some time away.
So come on home from the front lines, baby,
You know you've done more than your time there was supposed to have been.
A little time out could turn your head 'round,
A little time out could lift us our of the mess we're in.
And down by the beach there's a small cafe,
Where we'll hang on for Joan and drink Bonet all day.”

“And so goes the most of our freedom of speech: we live for the city, we work for the beach
And when the weekend seems to be just out of reach
Just make the most of what you’re paid, dear
Your love’s a ghost, and that’s why we’re delayed here”

Good post.
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